Get out of bed was not capable of Pure Irawati. Week 34 year old woman was huddled under a blanket because of the hot-cold, dizziness, nausea and eventually vomiting. Laboratory results showed, thrombocyte Pure Irawati just left 25.000/mm, away from the normal threshold of achieving 400.000/mm. He was positively diagnosed dengue fever (DHF).
Pure Irawati originally suspected he had a cold. 'Symptoms are exactly the people into the wind,' he said. Therefore, he swallowed the anti-cold tablets that many on the market. Unfortunately, health problems would not go as well. 7 September 1973-born women were even more dizziness and nausea. Pure pushed himself to the midwife at the house. Results of diagnosis, Pure typhoid symptoms that also marked a high fever. Any drug used to treat typhoid fever consumes 3 times daily.
Unfortunately, until a week later there was no significant change. Mother of one boy's condition even worse. 'I could not eat for every meal and then throw up,' he said. It makes the female body weight as high as 160 cm 20 kg was dropped a week just in time. Only 50 kg of body weight. Seeing his condition is alarming, Rudolf Ocean Pure Halomoan Hutagalung checked into the hospital in Srengseng Son Village, South Jakarta. Hospital doctors are also diagnosing typhoid Pure.
Since his condition did not improve, 3 days ago Pure returned to the hospital. At that time red spots appeared on his arm. Fine condition when it was weak and helpless. Blood tests showed that levels of platelet count only 47.000/mm. The doctor says positive Pure dengue fever. To receive intensive care, Pure was rushed to the Hospital Center of the Army (Army Hospital) Gatot Subroto, Central Jakarta. In that hospital room Pure lay together another dengue patient. At that moment, in July 2006 - was the middle of an epidemic of dengue virus.
Platelet Damage
Pure thrombocyte back sag, 25.000/mm, so the nurses gave intravenous fluids. According to dengue experts from Airlangga University Prof Dr H Soegeng Soegijanto, SpA (K), DTM & H, dengue virus into the human body against monocyte-one type of white blood cells that play a role to build the immune system. Viruses that are transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti was developed and released toxic substances that damage the capillary endothelial cells of blood vessels.
As a result of high vascular permeability, easy to leak, and fluid in the blood vessels easily exit into the surrounding connective tissue. Finally, dehydrate blood vessels so weak and dizzy patients. In addition to damaging endothelial cells, the virus also attacks the spinal cord. Platelet production function constrained its impact. Fair if the numbers continue to sag like Pure experience. The virus also directly damage the blood thrombocyte.
Supermini-sized platelet diameter of 4 milimikron-function in the process of blood clotting. If the thrombocyte concentration decreases, easy bleeding and even death. Provision of Ringer's lactate intravenous fluids to prevent fluid deficiency patients. Please understand, the blood of DHF patients lack many liquids. Electrolyte-rich fluids both to strengthen the cell so that the organs of the body is stronger and able to perform its function normally.
Increased Platelet levels in patients with DHF occurs through the formation of thrombocyte physiology natural methodology. That is, naturally make their own marrow Platelet if levels in the body is less. For patients with DHF usually on the day-to-6 antibody began to improve so that the thrombocyte concentration began to increase. The liquid electrolyte helps the circulation of blood and fluids that add cells and antibodies can function properly.
Coconut water
A week in hospital, condition improving Pure endless. He is always throwing up every time after eating. In-law who works as a nurse, Mery Silabuan, worrying about the Pure to Hartono Chong-herbalist in Jakarta. Hartono recommends that consume Pure coconut water to help cure dengue fever. Mery Hartono's advice.
'One day my purchase of 10 coconut water for Pure, "says Mery. In one day Pure drinking 10 glasses of coconut water. Every feeling thirsty, she drank water it Cocos nucifera. The results were encouraging because Platelet Pure continues to increase until 100.000/mm on day 4. Blood sampling performed every 8 hours. Three days after consumption of coconut water, Pure looks fitter. He was able to walk so the doctor let Pure home.
After arriving home, Pure still drinking coconut water with the same dose. Three days later, her blood checked again in accordance Pure doctor's advice. Pure Platelet normal result. According to Chong Hartono electrolyte-rich fluids for both cells and facilitate blood flow, thus reducing the risk of blood clots. Coconut water is also rich electrolyte materials. Addition of coconut water molecule is also more easily absorbed by the body. According to Revelation Suprapto herbalist from Malang, electrolytes and minerals, coconut water serves as a substitute for body fluid and improve immunity. Addition of coconut water as well as neutralizing poisons, so the condition of the body intact.
According to Prof. Dr. dr. H. Soegeng Soegijanto coconut water consumption should be added salt (NaCl). Because, coconut water contains a lot of potassium which relaxes the muscle including the heart muscle so that sufferers faint. With the addition of salt, potassium chloride binding. 'For a glass of coconut water should be added one-third teaspoon of salt alone,' DBD suggestions chairman of the Research Team's Airlangga University. Coconut water consumption is 1-1.5 l for patients with children; adults, 2 l per day.
Andi Nur Alam Shah, STP, MT Center researchers Pascapanen Agricultural Research and Development, reveals coconut milk contains protein, carbohydrate, amino acids and essential minerals for the body. Mineral components such as potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, iron, and phosphorus. Twenty amino acids are also contained in them. Mineral composition of coconut water makes it uniquely suited as a natural isotonic drinks because the sugar composition of minerals and very perfect.
No wonder if the juice Palmae family member that functions as a substitute for the lost body fluids and thin the blood so that the flow is smooth. With the current flow caused by the rupture of blood vessels which thickens the blood can be prevented. That's what happened at the Pure. Initially doctors predict, Pure blood vessels would rupture if the conditions are increasingly saggy body. However, thanks to the coconut water consumption prediction did not happen.
# Trubus
Khasiat Air Kelapa.
Beranjak dari tempat tidur pun Murni Irawati tak mampu. Sepekan lamanya perempuan 34 tahun itu meringkuk di bawah selimut lantaran panas-dingin, pening, mual, dan akhirnya muntah. Hasil laboratorium menunjukkan, trombosit Murni Irawati cuma tersisa 25.000/mm, jauh dari ambang normal yang mencapai 400.000/mm. Ia positif mengidap demam berdarah dengue (DBD).
Semula Murni Irawati menduga ia masuk angin. 'Gejalanya persis orang masuk angin,' katanya. Oleh karena itu ia menelan tablet anti masuk angin yang banyak beredar di pasaran. Sayang, gangguan kesehatan itu tak juga pergi. Perempuan kelahiran 7 September 1973 itu malah kian pusing dan mual. Itu mendorong Murni memeriksakan diri ke bidan di dekat rumah. Hasil diagnosis, Murni mengalami gejala tifus yang juga ditandai demam tinggi. Obat untuk mengatasi tifus pun dikonsumsinya 3 kali sehari.
Sayang, hingga sepekan kemudian tak ada perubahan berarti. Kondisi ibu satu anak itu malah kian parah. 'Saya tidak bisa makan karena setiap makan lalu muntah,' katanya. Itu membuat bobot tubuh perempuan setinggi 160 cm itu anjlok 20 kg cuma dalam waktu sepekan. Bobot tubuhnya hanya 50 kg. Melihat kondisi istrinya yang mengkhawatirkan, Rudolf Samudra Halomoan Hutagalung memeriksakan Murni ke rumah sakit Desa Putra di Srengseng, Jakarta Selatan. Dokter rumah sakit itu juga mendiagnosis Murni tifus.
Karena kondisinya tak membaik, 3 hari berselang Murni kembali ke rumah sakit. Saat itu bintik merah muncul di lengannya. Kondisi Murni saat itu lemas dan tak berdaya. Hasil tes darah menunjukkan, kadar trombositnya hanya 47.000/mm. Dokter mengatakan Murni positif demam berdarah. Untuk mendapat perawatan intensif, Murni dilarikan ke Rumahsakit Pusat Angkatan Darat (RSPAD) Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Pusat. Di ruangan rumah sakit itu Murni berbaring bersama penderita demam berdarah lain. Saat itu -Juli 2006- virus dengue memang tengah mewabah.
Rusak trombosit
Trombosit Murni kembali melorot, 25.000/mm, sehingga perawat memberikan cairan infus. Menurut ahli DBD dari Universitas Airlangga Prof Dr dr H Soegeng Soegijanto, SpA(K), DTM & H, virus dengue yang masuk ke tubuh manusia menyerang monosit-salah satu tipe sel darah putih yang berperan membangun sistem kekebalan tubuh. Virus yang ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes aegypti itu berkembang dan mengeluarkan zat racun yang merusak sel endotel-sel kapiler pembuluh darah.
Akibatnya permeabilitas pembuluh darah tinggi, mudah bocor, dan cairan dalam pembuluh darah mudah keluar ke jaringan ikat di sekitarnya. Akhirnya, pembuluh darah kekurangan cairan sehingga penderita lemas dan pusing. Selain merusak sel endotel, virus juga menyerang sumsum tulang belakang. Dampaknya fungsi produksi trombosit terhambat. Wajar jika jumlahnya terus melorot seperti dialami Murni. Virus juga merusak langsung trombosit darah.
Trombosit yang berukuran supermini-diameter 4 milimikron-berfungsi dalam proses pembekuan darah. Jika kadar trombosit berkurang, mudah terjadi pendarahan, bahkan kematian. Pemberian cairan ringer laktat melalui infus untuk mencegah pasien kekurangan cairan. Harap mafhum, darah penderita DBD banyak kekurangan cairan. Cairan kaya elektrolit baik untuk memperkuat sel sehingga organ-organ tubuh lebih kuat dan bisa menjalankan fungsinya secara normal.
Peningkatan kadar trombosit pada pasien DBD terjadi melalui metodologi alami fisiologi pembentukan trombosit. Artinya, sumsum secara alami membuat sendiri trombosit jika kadar dalam tubuh kurang. Bagi penderita DBD biasanya pada hari ke-6 antibodi mulai membaik sehingga kadar trombosit pun mulai meningkat. Cairan elektrolit membantu memperlancar peredaran darah dan menambah cairan sehingga sel dan antibodi dapat berfungsi baik.
Air kelapa
Sepekan dirawat di rumah sakit, kondisi Murni tak kunjung membaik. Ia selalu muntah setiap kali habis makan. Mertuanya yang berprofesi sebagai perawat, Mery Silabuan, mencemaskan Murni kepada Hartono Chong -herbalis di Jakata. Hartono menyarankan agar Murni mengkonsumsi air kelapa untuk membantu penyembuhan demam berdarah. Mery menuruti saran Hartono.
'Sehari saya beli air dari 10 kelapa untuk Murni,' kata Mery. Dalam sehari Murni minum 10 gelas air kelapa muda. Setiap merasa haus, ia meneguk air Cocos nucifera itu. Hasilnya sungguh menggembirakan lantaran trombosit Murni terus meningkat hingga 100.000/mm pada hari ke-4. Pengambilan contoh darah dilakukan setiap 8 jam. Tiga hari pasca konsumsi air kelapa, Murni tampak bugar. Ia mampu berjalan sehingga dokter mengizinkan Murni pulang.
Setelah tiba di rumah, Murni tetap minum air kelapa dengan dosis sama. Tiga hari kemudian, Murni kembali memeriksakan darahnya sesuai saran dokter. Hasilnya trombosit Murni normal. Menurut Hartono Chong cairan kaya elektrolit baik untuk sel dan memperlancar aliran darah, sehingga mengurangi risiko penggumpalan darah. Air kelapa juga kaya bahan elektrolit. Selain itu molekul air kelapa juga lebih mudah diserap tubuh. Menurut Wahyu Suprapto herbalis dari Malang, elektrolit dan mineral air kelapa berfungsi sebagai pengganti cairan tubuh dan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Selain itu air kelapa juga sebagai penetralisir racun sehingga kondisi tubuh terjaga.
Menurut Prof. Dr. dr. H. Soegeng Soegijanto konsumsi air kelapa sebaiknya ditambah garam (NaCl). Sebab, air kelapa banyak mengandung kalium yang melemaskan otot termasuk otot jantung sehingga penderita lemas. Dengan penambahan garam, kalium berikatan dengan klorida. 'Untuk segelas air kelapa sebaiknya ditambahkan garam sepertiga sendok teh saja,' saran ketua Tim Peneliti DBD Universitas Airlangga itu. Konsumsi air kelapa cukup 1-1,5 l untuk pasien anak-anak; dewasa, 2 l per hari.
Andi Nur Alam Syah, STP, MT peneliti Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian, mengungkapkan air kelapa mengandung protein, karbohidrat, asam amino dan mineral penting untuk tubuh. Komponen mineralnya antara lain kalium, kalsium, natrium, mangan, zat besi, dan fosfor. Dua puluh asam amino juga terkandung di dalamnya. Komposisi mineral air kelapa yang unik membuatnya cocok sebagai minuman isotonik alami lantaran komposisi mineral dan gulanya amat sempurna.
Pantas bila air buah anggota famili Palmae itu berfungsi sebagai pengganti cairan tubuh yang hilang dan mengencerkan darah sehingga alirannya lancar. Dengan aliran lancar maka pecahnya pembuluh darah akibat darah yang mengental dapat dicegah. Itulah yang terjadi pada Murni. Semula dokter memprediksi, pembuluh darah Murni bakal pecah jika kondisi tubuh kian melorot. Namun, berkat konsumsi air kelapa prediksi itu tak terjadi.
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